A Step Back in Time – The Secrets of Carmichael Manor

The Secrets of Carmichael Manor

When Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage…” he could not have more accurately described a Dark Stories interactive theatre experience. The Secrets of Carmichael Manor does not occur on a singular stage, where the audience sits still, watching a play. As with their previous theatre performances, Dark Stories unfolds in the real world and, in this case, inside several rooms inside the historic Experiment Farm Cottage in Harris Farm, Sydney. The audience moves from room to room alongside the characters.

The Secrets of Carmichael Manor was written and directed by award-winning actress Kate Jirelle, who takes on one of the lead roles as the bride-to-be Elspeth Carmichael in the play. Kate brought depth to her headstrong character.

Gary Leonard Belshaw, who played the role of Elspeth’s domineering father, George Carmichael, was a standout in the show. In contrast to brutish George was his gentle wife, Mrs Ada Carmichael, played by Erica Nelson. In some scenes, these three characters argue over family issues and the audience is made uncomfortable, as though we were intruding on a family squabble. However, witnessing this in the same room was a testament to their believable acting.

Set in 1919 and led by Father Patrick, played by Ben Durham, the audience is initially briefed on the mystery to be investigated outside the bungalow, built in 1835 and thought to be one of Australia’s oldest standing properties. I loved having the opportunity to enter this cottage in the evening. It was the perfect setting for the time period.

Entering the cottage, the Australian colonial furniture and beautifully polished wood floors transported us back in time to just after World War 1. Combined with the scent of wood and the steady ticking of the grandfather clock, one of the rooms created a 4D experience for the performance. Though at first, we were observers, this transitioned into us being integrated into the story.

The cast is joined by the Carmichaels’ servant, Mr Peter Schmidt, played by Matthew McDonald-Kearns. The costumes and hairstyling added to the authenticity of the 1900’s, and Mr Schmidt’s costume was one that particularly stood out to me with the authentic colour shade of his shirt and braces.

Father Patrick is our host and guides the audience through the house, propelling the story forward in a Miss Marple type style. There appeared to be a definite nod to Agatha Christie in this script, and at one point, a character asks who that is. (She had not yet released her first novel, which was due to come out in 1920.)

Amongst the seriousness of unfolding events, Father Patrick brings a comedic levity to the experience.

One unique aspect of the Dark Stories theatre is that it is immersive and unlike any other play currently showing. The characters interact directly with the audience, and we become part of the performance by helping to solve a puzzle or participating directly by asking questions or commenting. All of the cast were able to incorporate audience participant comments and adapt their character to respond with interjections and responses.

I imagine that no two performances of The Secret of Carmichael Manor are the same! I can’t give away anything about the plot because of spoilers, but it was an entertaining experience. It was fun to be a part of the play. Step back in time to help solve this mystery and unravel The Secrets of Carmichael Manor.

The Secrets of Carmichael Manor is showing at Experiment Farm, 9 Ruse St Harris Park.

Performances: Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from Friday, 13 October 2023 – Sunday, 22 October 2023.

Show times: 5.30pm, 7pm and 8.30pm.

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Jack Warner – The Last Mogul

The Last Mogul

Depending on your location, the 2023 Jewish International Film Festival (JFF) is fast approaching, from 23rd October to 29th November. This year’s JFF will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Warner Bros by showcasing the documentary Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul.

The Last Mogul tells the story of the reigning figure, Jack L. Warner. Emerging from modest beginnings, he and his brothers embarked on a journey that led to the creation of Warner Bros Studios. Remarkably, for over half a century, Jack Warner held the crown of this cinematic empire, leaving a mark on the history of motion pictures. This documentary provides a fascinating glimpse into the life and legacy of Jack Warner.

The Last Mogul

Directed by the grandson of Jack L. Warner, Gregory Orr, The Last Mogul is a documentary with a mix of archival interviews, footage, and photos. Throughout the documentary, we learn more about how the movie business and Warner Bros became what they are today. It was fascinating to see where film began, and it’s a journey through the generations as social attitudes changed and the technology advanced.

Although this documentary was like many that had come before it, it is still a fascinating look into the man who made the likes of Humphrey Bogart a star. Our interest throughout the film was maintained as we heard the life story of Jack L. Warner unfold. His life story came from those who knew him best. These interviewees made for a story that was impactful and credible.

Experience ‘Jack Warner: The Last Mogul’ for a glimpse into the legacy of film and the man who helped to shape its success and has become a historically significant figure. Watch the documentary at this year’s Jewish International Film Festival on the 19 June. That’s all folks!

Look for a film session in your town.

2023 JFF Festival Dates:

Classic Cinemas: 23 October – 29 November
Lido Cinemas: 24 October – 28 November

Ritz Cinemas: 24 October – 28 November
Roseville Cinemas: 2 November – 19 November

State Cinema: 2 November – 12 November

Luna Palace Cinemas: 16 November – 6 December

New Farm Cinemas: 16 November – 26 November

Dendy Cinemas: 15 November – 22 November

Dendy Cinemas Southport: 16 November – 22 November

This review also appears on It’s On The House or return to the Dark Stories Theatre homepage for more reviews.

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I’ll Be Frank – Memories of Opa

I'll Be Frank

The JFF is upon us for 2023, and depending on where you are located in Australia, it will run sometime in the date range of 23 Oct to 29 Nov, so be sure to check dates for your local area. With many varieties of film genres available, let’s delve into Aaron Lucus’ short documentary film I’ll Be Frank which is a respectful nod to his grandfather, Frank.

The film opens with the information that former German citizens between 1933 and 1945 and their descendants who were deprived of their citizenship shall have their citizenship restored upon application. Thus begins an exploration into Aaron’s own family roots beginning in Berlin, Germany, where Frank was born.

Aaron brings out a large red book titled Some Memories of My Life by Frank Lucus, with the inscription, ‘lots of love from Opa and Oma’.

Frank wrote it with the meaning of leaving his family with some facts and memories of his life, and Aaron’s aim is to travel the path of his Opa. “I wanted to know how it felt to be in Berlin,” he says. Aaron opens his Opa’s book, and as he reads, the film seamlessly transitions into Frank’s voice, narrated by John Gadem.

The scenes in Berlin where his Opa lived were full of sunshine and portrayed how Aaron said he felt, a sense of beauty. In one shot, golden brown Autumn leaves fluttered to the ground. Stephen Korytko’s cinematography captured my attention throughout the short documentary film.

I’ll Be Frank is a unique documentary where the flashback memories of Frank and his family are represented by black and white animation, in stark contrast to the colour of the present.

This was an effective filmmaking strategy particularly in displaying some difficult and emotional scenes in the documentary. I’ll be Frank flits between Aaron telling the story and Frank in animation.

Aaron visits many places to learn more about his Opa’s life, such as the New Synagogue Berlin and the hospital where he once worked before the Nazis stripped him of the title of ‘doctor’ and called him a ‘Jewish handler of the sick’. He visited Soest in Germany and Sobibor in Lubelskie, Poland, a Nazi extermination camp where Aaron and the viewer learn about the atrocities committed there.

I’ll Be Frank is directed and edited by Aaron Lucus and won first prize at the Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival for the Hearts, Minds, Souls. The original score is by Tarek Soltani, whose music created an emotive feel throughout the documentary.

I’ll Be Frank was successful in capturing my interest and would be suitable for teenage viewers and anyone wanting to hear a personal story of someone who has lived through and survived WW2. The story has heart, and Aaron has captured this in a respectful way.

Look for a film session in your town.

2023 JFF Festival Dates:

Classic Cinemas: 23 October – 29 November
Lido Cinemas: 24 October – 28 November

Ritz Cinemas: 24 October – 28 November
Roseville Cinemas: 2 November – 19 November

State Cinema: 2 November – 12 November

Luna Palace Cinemas: 16 November – 6 December

New Farm Cinemas: 16 November – 26 November

Dendy Cinemas: 15 November – 22 November

Dendy Cinemas Southport: 16 November – 22 November

This review also appears on It’s On The House.

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Meet The Actor – The Secrets of Carmichael Manor

The Secrets of Carmichael Manor

The Secrets of Carmichael Manor is coming to Sydney on the 13th of October, and here we take the time to chat with the Actor, Director and Author of the show Kate Jirelle in our Meet The Actor Series.

Let’s turn our spotlights onto Kate and delve deeper into her and The Secrets of Carmichael Manor production.

Meet the Actor

About Kate

What do you enjoy most about acting?

What I most enjoy about acting is the ability it gives you to explore yourself and the world around you. Whenever I take on a new character, I learn so much about myself and what I’m capable of, but it also makes me consider other perspectives and other walks of life that I’ve never considered before.

Do you believe talent or training is more important to an actor?

I firmly believe it takes both, but I don’t think you need to get an acting degree necessarily. I never had the opportunity to attend a traditional drama school, but I have gained so much by training at places like Sydney Acting Studio, which offers regular and ongoing training with incredible teachers who always support, encourage, and challenge me to do my best. Whether you go to a traditional drama school or not, it’s essential to continuously work on your craft as an actor with people who inspire you and constantly push you to do your best work.

Which acting technique do you think is the best for you?

The foundation of my training has been the Meisner Technique, which is definitely the technique I would say is my foundation. However, as an actor, I’m constantly learning and always looking for new tools to add to the toolbox.

What do you believe is the most challenging aspect of being an actor?

To be an actor, you need to have a thick skin. When you become an actor, you hear “No” a lot more times than “Yes”, and it can be easy to let that get to you. However, I find that if you surround yourself with the right people who understand you, inspire you and can lift you up in the low times, it makes the more challenging times easier to navigate.

What is your favourite film or theatre production?

This changes for me almost daily, but I’m always a sucker for stories that can have me laughing one minute and crying the next. In terms of movies, Jo Jo Rabbit is definitely up there in the favourites list. In the category of plays, The Things I Know To Be True by Andrew Bovell is also a firm favourite. Regarding TV, I’ve recently hopped onto the Ted Lasso bandwagon and am very much enjoying the ride. 

About The Secrets of Carmichael Manor

How did the writing of this show come about?

Having acted in several Dark Stories productions before, I couldn’t help but jump at the chance when I was asked to write one. All Dark Stories shows have a great tone that often mixes history, mystery and humour, which is an absolute ball to write. I also couldn’t resist the opportunity to write for such a great venue as Experiment Farm Cottage. You can’t help but be inspired when it comes to such a beautiful historical building.

What sort of person is going to love this show?

I like to describe this show as Doctor Who meets Knives Out. So, if you like either one of those, I think you’ll love The Secrets of Carmichael Manor.

Who should not come see this show?

People who aren’t prepared to be dragged into the action. No, really – this show is very interactive, and the audience very much becomes part of the show. But, if being involved in the story is your cup of tea, you will enjoy this show.

Who in the show is most like their character?

I must say it’s Ben Durham playing the role of Father Patrick. The instant he walked into the audition, we knew we’d found our Father Pat – and that was even before he started delivering the scene.

Who’s the least?

Definitely, Gary Leonard Belshaw, who plays the role of George Carmichael. I’ve known Gary for a while now, and he is genuinely one of the most kind-hearted and generous performers I’ve met. In comparison, George is a very boorish and ill-tempered character, and it always amazes me how well Gary manages to slip into that energy when it is the very opposite of who he is. Talk about great acting!

Kate Jirelle can be seen in The Secrets of Carmichael Manor, which only runs for two weekends, from the 13th to the 15th of October and the 20th to 22nd of October, in the historic space of Experiment Farm Cottage, in Parramatta.