A Playful Parody – Potted Potter Returns to The Seymour Centre

A Playful Parody – Potted Potter Returns to The Seymour Centre

Potted Potter Rating

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What began as a skit in 2005 to entertain people lining up to buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in a London bookstore has become Potted Potter, a smash hit sell-out show all around the world. This modest five-minute skit grew to incorporate the first six books in a one-hour show in 2006. Creators Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner expanded their show in 2007 to include JK Rowling’s seventh book, which is where the magic lies in this current form.

It’s easy to see how Potted Potter has outlasted other parodies over the last 17 years. The formula is simple – make your audience laugh! And laugh we did for almost all of the 70-minute performance. There were audience members of all ages, from kids dressed up in their favourite Hogwarts house uniform as others donned witch’s pointy black hats to parents and the older generation attendees. At times, it was similar to a kid-friendly ‘clean’ stand-up comedy set, complete with a lot of audience participation and laughs. One part I shan’t spoil had the audience involved in a group game.

The script was deceptively clever, delivered in a rapid conversation between the two characters, Brendan and Scott. Despite the fast narration, there were no fumbles or tripping over the quick-witted lines. Paired with comedic physicality and perfect timing, the character’s expressions sometimes gave away their surprise when interacting, hinting at some smart stage improvisation. This appeared to keep the script fresh and was delivered so well that it was hard to tell whether it was improv or really good acting. Either way, it worked. They cleverly wove in lines that were particularly Australian too, at one time referring to the ‘bin chicken’, which made everyone laugh.

The set design by Simon Scullion was purposely basic, which didn’t place them at Hogwarts; rather, it added to the charm of a parody. The same was true for the costumes and props used. It was like Turner and Clarkson raided their dress-up and toy box at home and used what they had, such as a stuffed snake and various wigs. Rather than detract from the performance, they added a comfortable charm and a good spice of fun to the Potted Potter experience.

Composer Phil Innes created an air of Harry Potter expectation as the audience was being seated. The music as each book tale begins is cute in the repetition.

The performance also featured some magic, as expected from a book about this topic, as well as a hilarious musical duet complete with a dance break between the two characters to close the show. One of my favourite lines delivered by a ridiculously dressed character was, ” Look it up in the book of cool.”

This quirky performance of Potted Potter will appeal to people of all ages if you expect a lighthearted and quick tour through the seven books’ plot points.

Do you need to have read all seven books to enjoy this performance? No, not at all. It certainly referred to certain things that people who love the Harry Potter series would quickly understand; however, those who hadn’t read all the books gained an understanding of what was going on easily. The characters were all there, in fine form, represented by the two actors.

Potter Potter An Unauthorised Harry Experience is playing at The Seymour Centre, Sydney, from 12 – 21 April and will tour Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth throughout May.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Hannah Gadsby Woof!

Hannah Gadsby Woof!

Hannah Gadsby brings their new show “Woof” to Melbourne Arts Centre for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Their star has risen well and truly since her show Nanette hit Netflix in 2018. Today, they grace the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine (AU/NZ edition) with the headline “Comedy’s enfant terrible is relishing their anti-hero era”.

As a newbie, it was a wonderful introduction to Gadsby’s fast-paced, quick-witted, intensely analytic humour, which brought out belly laughs galore. Snappy asides like bullet spray on the way to the main punchlines compounded the fun. I was surrounded by pre-Nanette die-hard fans, so there was a lot of love in the house. And I can see why—Gadsby is earnest, humble, intelligent, funny, vulnerable, honest, and a truth-teller.

They’ve worked hard to be where they are now. For someone who can go for weeks without speaking (they have autism and ADHD) and who says they are bad at everything in life, including having fun, they have certainly played their cards to their advantage. They say their only skill is to talk to a room full of strangers and not feel scared. But what they choose to say has been both strategic and a personal lifeline. Nanette deconstructed comedy and social norms derived from centuries of white male dominance at a time when Australia was debating the same-sex marriage plebiscite. For this, Gadsby bared their soul, and it was raw and confronting.

Interestingly, Gadsby has tried hard, in good faith, to like Taylor Swift. It hasn’t worked. They even used her as inspiration for their 2016 show, Dogmatic. Of course, they have major differences: Gadsby has a depth of intellectual engagement with their art form and uses it to subvert and confront. Their 2023 Picasso-blasting exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum, It’s Pablomatic, is a case in point alongside Nanette. However, I can’t help but see some similarities: both use the power of story-telling and self-disclosure in their work, which fosters a high level of devotion in their predominantly female fan base; both live their lives in a way that encourages their fans to be unafraid to be themselves and in return, their fans care deeply about them and want to support them. But there is a vast contrast in their lived experience of otherness and, therefore, the depth of their fight.

Hannah Gadsby Woof!

Now, Gadsby has a global voice and has just launched a new Netflix comedy show, Gender Agenda, featuring seven gender-queer comedians from around the world. Being nouveau-riche means staying in posh hotels where the concierges don’t know how to respond to questions about doing your own laundry and the bathrooms have no toilet brush. Gadsby worries about becoming a rich arsehole, but I doubt that will happen – they take a spare travel toothbrush with them to clean up after themselves when a low roughage travel diet messes with their regularity.

“Woof” is a show about the worries that lead to anxiety. If you think the ending is a bit loose, well, that is the point. There is no closure, no easy answers. What happened to all those plastic dolls called Cabbage Patch Kids from the 80s/90s? Did they end up somewhere in a “Blair Witch style croquembouche”? Will Hannah Gadsby be able to enjoy swimming with a whale on her day off? Will their brain let them remember fun times as vividly as they remember a randomly defiled Tim Tam packet left for them to clean up when working as a hotel cleaner?

Enjoy this show where your host “takes all their worries and lays them out on stage in front of a darkened room full of strangers. It’s like group therapy, but the group is the therapist”. That’s us, but we don’t feel like strangers. So now Gadsby adds us to their list of worries, too, because therapists are all “f***ed in the head.”

“Woof” is playing until April 20 at the Melbourne Arts Centre Playhouse.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Kaboom! A Cracking Science Show for Kids

Kaboom! A Cracking Science Show for Kids

Kaboom! Do you like ice cream? What about your air conditioning? I’ll bet you especially enjoy not having Polio, don’t you?

If you think science is a boring subject best left to school kids, you might be surprised to know that all the things named above were created by, you guessed it, science! Just ask Magnus Danger Magnus (yes, it’s his real name!).

Magnus is a supercharged, multi-award-winning, high-energy entertainer with, as he tells you himself, absolutely no qualifications whatsoever. We spent a delightful Saturday afternoon in his company as he shared his gleefully explosive science with happy, lively crowds of kids and parents at the Comedy Festival.

With his ‘safety third’ approach to experimentation (first comes flammability, second, wow factor), Magnus rampages across the stage excitedly, armed with the curiosity and energy of a toddler and some seriously dangerous chemicals. He fascinates, educates, and draws you in with his absolute love of science and his absolute disregard for his own safety.

The audience revelled in Vortex Cannon smoke rings and liquid nitrogen experiments that delighted and wowed as they exploded (safely), boiled and turned into foaming colourful messes all over the auditorium. He drew young helpers from a very eager crowd. Everyone, parents included, joined in all the yelling, whooping, and clapping throughout, especially when he sang the periodic table as he turned water into fire all over his hands. Don’t try this at home, kids!

Magnus’s infectious enthusiasm for science makes him the perfect example of someone who believes in teaching things in a curiosity-led, hands-on, fun way that will create a whole new generation of science-loving people.

Kaboom is a show that is not to be missed, especially if you have curious kids.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA

Cirque du Soleil's LUZIA

Last week, Cirque du Soleil opened their magnificent show LUZIA in the heart of the Flemington Racecourse.

The sight of the big top triggered memories of Cirque du Soleil’s previous visit to Australia during the pandemic. I vividly recall attending the opening night of KURIOS, only to discover its abrupt closure the following day. The global impact on Cirque du Soleil’s existence was undeniable. It is truly exhilarating to witness their triumphant return after such adversity.

Stepping into the world of LUZIA under the big top is like entering a whole new dimension of wonder and amazement. As the show begins, time seems to stand still with the interplay of light and rain, awakening a profound sense of spirituality. This ability to reproduce reality through a dream-like surrealism is a quality that Cirque du Soleil have mastered in numerous productions worldwide.

LUZIA combines elements of the rich Mexican culture, mythology, and nature with its vibrant colours and beautiful imagery. The main character is the Traveller who falls from the sky and gently comes down with the help of a little umbrella into a land of blooming marigolds, and majestic birds. When he turns a giant metal key, he opens a world where we travel through his imagination.

Along the way, we encounter a running woman who spreads her beautifully pigmented butterfly wings, representing the migratory journey of the monarch butterfly from southern Canada to central Mexico. Then, we meet a group of agile hummingbird acrobats, that leap through hoops. The traveller steps through a smoky dance hall, a tribute to the golden age of Mexican cinema, where three porters manoeuvre a female acrobat into a human skipping rope.

Each act in LUZIA is like its own separate show all wrapped up into one unforgettable experience. We travel through the Agave plants with dream like women dancing within giant hula hoops. Then, we watch the superior artistry of players manipulating a football, a passionate sport for the Mexican people. In a separate scene, the Peyote, known for its hallucinatory properties and grown in Mexico, is honoured in a bizarre pole dance of strange creatures.

Luzia is a show that defies expectations at every turn. One moment, you witness a demigod of rain gracefully leaping and soaring through the air, emerging from a circular pool with breathtaking aerial acrobatics. The water splashes around him as he reaches great heights, leaving an indelible impression on the audience. Then, a juggler takes the stage, skilfully manipulating numerous pins with incredible speed. The pins seem to blur into a metallic mass, creating a mesmerising visual spectacle.

Following this, a performer on a colossal swing captivates the audience by propelling himself to unimaginable heights. The swing eventually tips over, leaving the spectators in awe of the daring feat. But the surprises don’t end there. Acrobats astound with their free-falls from swing to swing, executing complex manoeuvres with apparent ease. Their agility and grace make it seem as if they are weightless. We see a contortionist, whose movements resemble that of a hypnotic snake. With seemingly impossible flexibility, his body contorts in unimaginable ways.

LUZIA’s magic is made possible through complex technical stage designs and the incredible creativity behind them. For instance, since rain is a major theme in the show, they’ve set up a water system with a rain curtain and a pool on the stage. This allows water to be used in various ways throughout the performance. The team can create the illusion of rain, and even form intricate water shapes and symbols using 178 individually controlled valves. Water is also incorporated in a funny scene where the thirsty traveller tries to catch the unpredictable rain.

Other unforgettable props include a massive disk that represents the sun, moon, and the Aztec calendar. It is suspended at the heart of the stage, weighing 2,000kg with the ability to rotate 360 degrees. Another elaborate prop is the Papel Picado, or punched paper, a cylindrical curtain that looks like an oversized lantern with cut-out characters like horses, flowers, and hummingbirds.

Speed is an important theme of LUZIA, like the Tarahumaras, a north-western native tribe known for their superior strength and agility. For superior speed, some acts are supported by giant wireless treadmills that can move in different directions and are used as launch pads to allow for swift tumbling and leaping by the acrobats.

Animals hold a special place in Mexican culture, art, and spiritual beliefs. They are featured through most of the acts whether through costumes where the acrobats morph into animals or through life-size puppets, such as the jaguar that interacts with the artist on stage.

Costumes are designed thoughtfully keeping specific colours and textures carefully crafted for each scene. Some consist of bright colours, and some are designed to represent part animal and part human like the man with the head of an armadillo, or a woman wrapped in an iguana shawl with one arm the head and the other a tail.

The audience in Cirque du Soleil’s Luzia is taken on an incredible musical journey. It’s like the soul of the show. You can feel the rhythmic beats of cumbia and flamenco guitar, creating a pulsating energy. The percussion instruments are like a constant heartbeat. The tubas and trumpets add a vibrant, brassy sound that fills the air. There is a female singer whose voice is hauntingly beautiful, and even though I didn’t understand the words she was singing in Spanish, I could feel the Latin vibe and the raw emotions that transcends language.

Today I met with Terrance, he is one of the magical hummingbirds in the performance. I asked him what makes LUZIA and Cirque shows so different from any other circus. He said: “Everything about our show is extravagant, it is a very big production, with big make-up, loud costumes, and extreme physical agility”. He added: “It is like going to watch a live version of an animation movie and making the impossible possible right in front of you.” He added “For some people, it might even be life changing”.

Luzia is a true fairy-tale brought to life, where the extraordinary becomes the norm. Each act leaves an unforgettable mark.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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