Midnight Murder at Hamlington Hall

Midnight Murder at Hamlington Hall

Midnight Murder at Hamlington Hall Rating

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This was my first time at The Garrick Theatre in Guildford, where patrons are warmly welcomed by the smiling front of house team.

Those of us in amateur theatre truly know it takes the assistance of many people to bring a show to life, not just those on stage; whether it’s long-standing members of the group, or the spouses and family who have been dragged along to help out. The experience of live theatre begins from the moment you enter the venue and friendly faces and enthusiastic raffle ticket sellers ensure the evening starts on the right note.

It is that hard work and determination that makes up the premise for Midnight Murder at Hamlington Hall, and the age old saying ‘the show must go on’ no matter how dire things become.

It’s opening night of a new murder mystery. Seven of the cast are down with the dreaded lurgy and local councillors will be in attendance to decide the fate of the club’s funding and future. So, the Middling Cove Players’ director, two of the remaining actors, a stage manager who is only there to serve her community service hours and her 13-year old niece band together to ensure Midnight Murder at Hamlington Hall takes to the stage as planned. Juggling nerves, props, and absurd miscasting, will they manage to pull it off? Or will everything go horribly and terribly wrong?

Bringing nearly 60 years of theatre experience between them, Kirstie Francis and Sarah House have banded together to direct this Australian farce, written by Mark Kilmurray and Jamie Oxenbould.

Act one takes us behind the scenes as the Middling Cove Players’ arrive ahead of the evening’s performance. Stage manager Karen (Jay Shaw) is hard at work trying to fix the sound system, the group’s leading lady Phillipa (Meredith Hunter) is in the middle of her lengthy warm up routine, Director Shane (Jim Brown) who is not-so-secretly in love with Phillipa, is struggling to contain his nerves, and Barney (Jarrod Buttery), who can only be described as the person in any group you try to avoid, is ready to provide unwarranted advice.

When the cast receive the news that the rest of the players won’t be making it to the show, the obvious thing to do is cancel; but with the fate of the group’s future hanging in the balance, Director Shane decides there’s only one thing to do – the remaining actors will just have to play multiple roles.

The opening night crowd at The Garrick Theatre was clearly a mix of theatre lovers, and theatre folk; with many a relatable moment of life in the world of community theatre gaining a chuckle or slight cringe from those who know the feeling all too well.

After the interval, the stage is set, and The Middling Cove Players’ production begins, following a suitably awkward front-of-stage welcome by Director Shane, where various members of the audience audition unsuccessfully to fill some remaining roles until latecomer Richard (Jack Riches) is thrown backstage and cast into the spotlight. The production starts off well enough, but soon descends into chaos with the realisation that several of the characters being played by one person are on stage at the same time. To complicate matters further the group find themselves running out of time to finish the show with Jenny’s 21st Birthday party, complete with a DJ, due to start in the hall next door any minute.

Any farce strongly relies on the comic timing of its actors and can be a challenge to get right, but this talented cast of recognisable local actors are spot on; you can feel the tension and determination of their characters to ensure that the show does go on. Juggling multiple costumes, accents, and props can be tricky at the best of times, but the degree of difficulty to make the production look like a shambles (think The Play That Goes Wrong) requires a great cast and strong direction, which The Garrick Theatre Club delivered in spades.

Most groups often joke that you could write a play about the behind-the-scenes drama of amateur theatre because nobody would believe half of what goes on. So it’s a joy to watch when someone actually does, even if it does, at times, feel a bit too close to home.

To book tickets to Midnight Murder at Hamlington Hall, please visit https://www.taztix.com.au/garricktheatre/.

Performance Dates:
March 29 at 7.30pm
April 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 at 7.30pm
March 30 at 2pm
April 5 and 6 at 2pm
Tickets: Adult $28, Concession $23, Members $22.
Processing fees apply.
Bookings: Phone TAZ Tix 9255 3336 or BOOK ONLINE

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

Lizzie The Musical: Milky Way Productions


Lizzie Rating

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Off the back of Evil Dead, Milky Way productions has continued its love for the sinister and spooky with its second major production: Lizzie the Musical.

Somewhere between a concert and a sung-through musical, this show was a true celebration of femininity with four powerhouse femme presenting vocalists and an all-female band (despite interestingly being led by two male directors).

Telling the story of Lizzie Borden – a woman tried for the axe murder of her father and stepmother in the 1800s – you wouldn’t expect it to be 90 minutes of punk rock bad-assery, but boy was I pleasantly surprised.

Lukas Perez anchors the show as the titular Lizzie, innocent and manic, all the while singing the absolute house down (and clearly having a ball doing it). They’re paired well against Jessica Huysing as Alice who brings a softness to an otherwise hard hitting show.

Brittany Isaia shows off her vocal prowess as Lizzie’s sister Emma – with her and Perez’ duet ‘What the F*** Now Lizzie’ a highlight. Sarah McCabe rounds out the small but mighty group as the eerie Borden house servant Bridget.

McCabe doubled as costume designer for the show and did not miss, with some beautiful period style outfits turned rock-princesses later on, and an excellent choice of colour blocking to clearly identify each character.

With an on-stage band (expertly led by piano-conductor Akari Komoto) and large set piece that dominates the space the cast are left with little room to make use of which both added to the concert-like feel though also made some moments feel constrained. This carried through to the overall movement and choreography which at times felt uncertain and squashed – again potentially due to perhaps the unexpected lack of performance space.

Technically, balancing a rock band against just four voices was always going to be a challenge, with the singers often overpowered in the louder points of the show. However, this certainly improved in Act 2, and I’m sure it was just an opening night teething issue.

Directors Kieran Ridgway and Luke Miller have rounded up the very best of Perth talent for this production, and believe me it shows. A master-class in vocal agility – do yourself a favour and buy a ticket because this cast is deserving of far more than its small (yet highly appreciative) opening night crowd and you certainly won’t be disappointed.

To book tickets to Lizzie, please visit https://drpac.sales.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/144012.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

Opening Night Review: After Dinner

After Dinner

After Dinner Rating

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It’s Friday night at the pub. The stage is set as five lost souls, and a distracted waiter, embark on a quest. On the surface, they appear to have different agendas, but underneath the bravado, they all share a desperate need to feel a little less lonely in After Dinner.

Set in the late 1980s, where the fashion and daggy pub restaurant are practically characters in their own right, big points go to the production team for nailing the brief. Under the direction of Tim Riessen, the cast does a magnificent job delivering the dialogue and mannerisms that are intentionally stilted to demonstrate the awkwardness of their relationships and scenario.

Dympie (Kezia George of Summer of the Seventeenth Doll and Hansel & Gretel), Paula (Lisa Divall of Short ‘n Sweet) and Monika (Amanda Alderson of Squid Games and Frankenbolt’s First Christmas) work in the same office, and had they not worked together, it is unlikely they would have socialised outside of work. The handsome Gordon (Altus Vernooy, making his stage debut from behind the scenes) and Stephen (Ian Fraser of Cracked and Done to Death) meet up at the pub through a mutual friend who never shows up. The waiter played by Tarek Jabado (Frankenbolt’s First Christmas and Under the Table) is a man of few words, but his looming presence (and often absence) is a steady shadow among the chaos.


With the ladies at one table and the men at the other, it doesn’t take long for them to notice each other, much to the dismay of the controlling Dympie, who just wanted a quiet Friday night with Paula.

Except this is no typical Friday night as Paula invites the grieving Monika, whose revelations into her marriage reveal a tirade of confronting and intimate truths. The exploration of adult themes and graphic nature of After Dinner suggests you might want to pick your theatre date carefully as some audience members may find the content uncomfortable.

Just as you need to break an egg to make omelette, the messy characters dissolve and then evolve, albeit subtly, as life often does before epiphanies set in.

Performed at the Roxy Lane Theatre just behind the Volare bar on Whately Crescent, this retro theatre is the perfect backdrop to the 1980s. Written in 1984 by Kalgoorlie-born playwright Andrew Bovell, who wrote Strictly Ballroom and Lantana, the fact that it’s still being performed decades later demonstrates the timeless theme of loneliness and the human condition. Poignant, funny and relatable, if the audience’s response to opening night is anything to go by, After Dinner will continue to leave a lasting impression for many more decades to come.

Performance dates: 7, 8, 9*, 14, 15, 16*, 20, 21, 22 & 23* March
Recommended MA 15+
Times: Evenings at 7.30pm, *Matinees at 2pm
Tickets: $23 adult, $19 concession, groups of 10+ $18 each

To book tickets to After Dinner, please visit TAZ Tix.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

Tick, Tick… Boom!


TickTickBoom Rating

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Presented in under 6 weeks, Limelight Theatre has shown that diamonds are made under pressure. Tick, Tick… Boom! is a slick and polished performance in all elements of production.

Telling the story of the life of RENT composer Jonathon Larson, this show is full of heart, humour and a healthy dose of reality.

Jordan Richards leads the cast as Jon, offering an authentic and heartfelt performance with strong vocals throughout. Though his voice did seem fatigued towards the end, I feel it served the character well as it mirrored his emotional arc.

Ellie Coburn shines as Susan, genuine and caring, working well with Richards whilst also showing her own vocal prowess. Best friend and artist-turned-businessman Michael is given life by Blair Price-Morgan – albeit a little young for the character – he too, was consistent throughout.

While this show is typically played out with trio, this particular production was rounded out with a small but sharp ensemble that filled out the wealth of smaller roles with great enthusiasm, each putting their all into their overzealous caricatures.


Personal favourites included Aliesha Archer’s talent agent Judy Wright, and Jake Battle as Jon’s father – both a great laugh. Georgia Goff enjoys her moment in the spotlight as Karessa Johnson singing a beautiful (duetted) rendition of ‘Come to Your Senses’.

Caleb Stevens’s choreography (which also doubles as ensemble) is simple but effective. It adds just the right amount of movement to build up moments without distracting from the main story.

But the testament must also go to the cast and the band, who are clean and concise under the guidance of Jasper Cruden.

I was also a big fan of the lighting design (Matthew Roberts) built into the cubic set. It was a fun and welcome surprise and added great flare to the otherwise simple brick set design.

Overall, I was highly impressed with the quality of this production from start to finish and highly recommend you snatch up a ticket to the remaining performances.

To book tickets to TickTickBoom, please visit https://www.taztix.com.au/limelight/

For Phone Bookings TAZ Tix @ 9255 3336

FEB 27, 28, MARCH 1, 2*, 6, 7, 8
Recommended MA 15+

Times:  Evenings at 7.30pm, *Matinees at 2pm

Tickets:  $37 Adult, $32 Concession (seniors/students),
$30 Members, Groups 20+ $32 each
processing fees apply

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.