Billy Elliot Shines With CLOC Musical Theatre

Billy Elliot The Musical

Billy Elliot The Musical Rating

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This is the 60th anniversary year of CLOC Musical Theatre (formerly Cheltenham Light Opera Company) and president Ric Birkett is beaming proud of Billy Elliot The Musical.

I always thought this show was based on a true story, but to my surprise it is fictional. However there would be many boys in dance classes around and many successful male dancers worldwide that could totally relate to this script in more ways than one. Being accepted as a male dancer certainly has its challenges and though it has improved immensely in recent years in genres such as hip hop, tap, jazz and commercial, there are still not a lot of boys taking up ballet like the character of Billy.

There would only be a handful of boys who could even play this role in Melbourne and two of them are on stage here in their first show with the CLOC production team, being Lukas Elliott (his real last name) from Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School and Sebastian Sero having trained with the The Australian Ballet School. I saw Lukas (and yes, he’s thrilled to be playing his namesake even though it is spelled differently) and he was a standout for his acting ability too. This show is all about Billy the whole way through, it’s demanding but a dream role for a young boy who loves to dance!

Set in the 1980s at the time when the closure of the North England coalmines saw the conservative government of Margaret Thatcher take a particularly vengeful and confrontational path, the language in the show takes “it’s OK to swear in art” to a whole new level! Being honest, it was a bit of ‘shock therapy’ as I settled into the atmosphere, but as the show goes on you realise the script writing does portray exactly how such a community would speak in this situation, so don’t worry, you get used to it and will likely laugh at a lot of quipped lines.

Billy’s father is played by returning loyal CLOC member, Chris Hughes. Seventeen years after his last show with CLOC, he’s a natural in acting the tough guy typical miner who does not want to see his son become a dancer, at least not at first. He does come around eventually after a dressing down from Billy’s secret ballet teacher played by well-known Melanie Ott in her 10th show with the company, but not before his other son, Billy’s older brother who is exceptionally characterized by Joshua Sumner, gives every reason under the sun not to allow Billy his chosen path.

This show introduces a ton of new talent in the ballet girls, all in their first show with CLOC and they are everything from funny to cute. The high pitched screaming as they run onto stage was probably not unlike what their parents heard at home when they got a spot on the cast. It’s a coveted place to get into one of CLOC’s shows and of course there are no other shows where this many young accomplished dancers get to twirl around, be silly and act like they’ve actually never danced a concert in their life, which in reality is far from truth. In particular, it was the chance of a lifetime for Emily Bon-Fuller and Isla Everett to play “Debbie”, the impertinent daughter of Billy’s dance teacher. I saw grade 6 student Emily who can definitely act with sass!

Billy’s close friend is played by youngsters Angus Hutchinson and Harrison Lloyd both also in their first CLOC show. I saw Angus and he was an absolute delight to watch, he must have had a lot of fun in this role and he surely has the most fun dance number with giant dresses and Billy by his side. Again, these boys can dance!

A shout out to “Grandma” played by Barbara Hughes, who has worked for almost 50 years in non-professional theatre but was cast in the ensemble as the Grandma cover in the last professional Australian touring production of Billy Elliot, cut short by COVID, so in this show she finally got her chance. Her character calls it like she sees it, something many a Nana can get away with. Age gives you that right.

Billy’s mother (deceased) makes appearances in his mind by Elise Stevens and you can’t help but envisage any child’s lost parent watching on from Heaven to see their child go for their dreams.

The amazing Ensemble truly makes the show. There is so much energy on stage. It is loud! It is mining! It is teamwork! In the audience you feel like you are part of the action, and heads up to the choreography skills that managed to have so many people on stage not bumping into each other (unless it was on purpose with fists ready).

Billy Elliot will appeal to anyone really. It’s got enough manly guts in it to take your hubby (even though he doesn’t like musicals) and enough softness to reflect upon standing up for your work colleagues, helping the cause about what you believe is right for your community and above all, supporting your children’s goals.

I wonder if there was a “real” Billy Elliot in that mining town, who perhaps just didn’t get the chance to shine like this show does. I hope it inspires other boys who like to dance to try ballet. I hope it is a reminder that boys dance too. The world needs more dancing.

Congratulations to the Direction trio of Lynette White, Chris White, David Clausen-Wisken, and the entire CLOC team, this show is superbly executed, so fight your way to a seat for one of the last shows coming up!

Tickets 10-25th May via

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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The Last Word

The Last Word

The Last Word Rating

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With an eye-catching poster featuring an image of the star throwing a bunch of SCRABBLE tiles off the board into the air, one could be forgiven, walking into the Butterfly Club, on a cold Melbourne night, that the show, like the poster, may just be a bunch of ideas and various tiles haphazardly thrown together in the hopes a decent score is found. All doubt was removed at the second “The Last Word” star and creator slinked onto the stage.

It’s not often a performer that you are not familiar with, takes a stage, and with literally just a raise of their eyebrow has you giggling and instantly at ease, this is however the feat that Imogen Whittaker managed in her sold-out Monday night performance.

With nothing but a microphone and a piano, along with a whole bunch of therapy behind her (though, as Imogen tells us, she was dumped by her therapist- ouch!), she launches into song and starts the show. Within just a few bars, you know you are in the hands of an up-and-coming pro, instantly the clever, humorous wording has you thinking you are in the hands of a star like Tim Minchin. The music and lyrics already feel like they belong in a smash hit like Matilda (we won’t talk about Ground Hog Day), and the audience takes an audible sigh of relief knowing that the hard slog to get out on a wet Monday will well and truly be worth it.

Through the next 50 minutes or so, Imogen Whittaker draws you in with her charm, honesty, and a little self-deprecation. Managing to tell stories that are uniquely her own, though with wording and feelings that like today’s Astrology Star Sign forecast, the audience could easily interpret to be current and applicable to themselves.

A particular favorite was – Last First Date
“I think I’m going to get RSI
From how many times
I swipe left and right
And put on my nice shoes and dress
Just to be in evidently unimpressed”

A hilarious ode to the pitfalls of dating and kind of a Groundhog Day (not the Minchin one- no, this one wasn’t tedious) of first date after first date after first date and how they all start to feel the same, the guys all sadly similarly bland and not right and how Imogen wishes that she could find the one and have her “Last First date”. Knowing laughter from the audience and friends nudging each other in agreeance throughout.

The Last Word

Other stories of the wacky world of dating are put into song- like the one about the guy she dated for some time, to then find out the reason he was emotionally unavailable was that he was married and bumped into him and his wife at a country bakery where he introduced her as “a family friend”. Awkward. But hey, this ‘ACE’ of a guy brought her a piano- so I guess he is ok?

Another about a failed ‘showmance’ in what we are repeatedly and cheekily told was “the worst production of FAME ever staged” that leaves Imogen wondering if she was in love with the actor or the character. Then there is “Drunk Call”, awaiting an ex who has moved on, but she “Leaves my phone on even though I know you are out, in case I’m the one you‘re still thinking about”.

With brilliant lyrics and music that have you reminded of Missy Higgins, Musicals like Once and Matilda, and an instantly likable personality that draws you in, this was a joyous night at the theatre held by a performer who knows her talent and leans into it with grace and confidence. Despite some sound issues, from the microphone not sounding on for the first number to then barely being able to hear the wonderful piano playing for a few numbers, this is a highly recommended show.

“The Last Word” like the show’s promo poster, is a collection of letters and words of Imogen Whittaker’s experiences. She played a brilliant game and clearly won with the tiles of life that have been dealt her way.

I can’t help but feel that she still holds her ‘Q’ and ‘Z’ close to her chest. But I tell you, when she does decide to put them on the table, not only will she win again, she will score big and it will be one of the most exciting games. This is not Imogen’s last word, and I eagerly await her next.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Steel Magnolias

Steel Magnolias Rating

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Steel Magnolias is a well known 80s movie, but it may be less remembered that it was actually a play first, written by Robert Harling, and inspired by the true story of his sister, Susan. Having been performed on stages all around the world, this iconic show with a super-strong all-female cast is now on from 10-25th May 2024 at Beaumaris Theatre, a small welcoming bayside venue.

This amateur theatre group have consistently produced a wide variety of Theatre Arts since starting up in 1953 in the attic of Bill & Angela Martin; a bonus story I was interested to read about in the program. Amongst the many fantastic posters covering the walls are past promotions of comedies, dramas and musicals, so it seems this amateur theatre group is still very active and exciting. Steel Magnolias is their 302nd production and expertly directed by the vibrant Debbie Keyt, who was happy to chat amongst the attendees and gratefully thanked everyone for coming. Debbie is also president of the group’s Committee and this is her 25th show as a Director with the locally treasured Beaumaris Theatre.

Steel Magnolias is set in a beauty salon in Louisiana wherein six excellent Melbourne actresses will share with you a journey of friends bonded together through love and loss. A story about being both delicate and tough, hence the title name.

My first impression upon sitting in my seat, was the extremely accurate 80s era presence in the colourful set (I was a teen in the 80s myself). The audience is on the ‘mirrors’ side of the salon, so we would closely see into the ‘reflection’ of them for the next two hours. Splashing water, bright lighting, music on an old radio with some appropriate song choices and great sound tech. made for a most realistic setting.

First on stage is salon owner “Truvy” played by Trudi Sheppard and “Annelle” played by Caitlin Leong. Annelle is Truvy’s new assistant – a little mysterious at that and which side-story is portrayed instantly, so you are already intrigued and thinking “hmmm …what is going to happen with her?”.

Truvy is extremely loveable in each scene as the best hair stylist in town and the show depicts what probably actually does go on in every hairdressing salon, but especially in a country town. It’s typical tell-tale of women visiting their preferred salon where they feel they can literally ‘let their hair down’ to talk about what’s going on in their lives, what’s important to them and how they feel about each other and the people close to their hearts.

It’s hard to pick a favourite character, especially if you see it as a woman yourself – you will probably relate to each one of them in some way, or, picture in your mind, a friend you could easily have represented by one of them somewhere within the plot. Equally, you might smile at a visualisation of your husband, an in-law or a neighbour from the extended verbal storyline as you can clearly picture what is going on outside the salon’s window, even though you cannot see it.

The topics quickly unfold of a mother and her daughter who is getting married, then having a baby under extreme circumstances, with the love and support needed from each other and from the ladies they catch up with and confide in at their salon visits.

Full of comical moments where you can be smiling one second, gasping the next and crying (or trying not to) when they cry, this play should not be missed by anyone who enjoyed the movie, loves celebrating women and friendship, or perhaps even for nostalgia of times at your own hairdressing salon, which, like the play, often does far more than just tease up a few curls!

The absolutely believable accents from the Deep South of America make the show extra entertaining and not once did these actresses slip up on their dialogue, which is extensive. Comic timing is also everything and I must applaud the cast for their obvious well rehearsed dedication in bringing this script totally alive to have me reflecting upon its message for the next week at least. I especially loved the part where the audience was dead silent in sadness and then within minutes we were all laughing hysterically at an almost girl-on-girl fight about expressing human reactions, ramped up with courageous spirit by Wendy McRae as “Ouiser” and Kate Harvey as “Clairee”. I could hardly believe they could do that scene without bursting into laughter themselves, I’m sure they did in practice!

I do hope that Claire Abagia, in her first production at Beaumaris, dreamily playing “Shelby” with her youthful outlook, and her stage-mom “M’Lynn” played with such great concerned emotion by Samantha Stone, a Drama and English teacher, enjoyed working together as much as we did watching them. As the two characters at the centre of this story, they could have genuinely been a real mother-daughter duo in their intense interactions. My favourite was the stare given from M’Lynn at Shelby’s new hairdo, it was exactly how I remembered my Mum once looking at mine. Later on, my Mum said she too had thought the same thing.

This production of Steel Magnolias is certainly lots of fun, and very memorable. As it was my first time taking my Mum out to see a play on Mothers’ Day too (the reason we chose initially to go for something different to do), the surprise afternoon tea provided by the theatre when the interval doors opened was also indeed, a hit!

Congratulation to the Beaumaris Theatre Team. I thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommend their latest rendition of Steel Magnolias.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Mystery Radio Theatre

Mystery Radio Theatre

Mystery Radio Theatre Rating

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If you need a night of laughter, intrigue, and a touch of whimsy, the Mystery Radio Theatre at The Butterfly Club in Melbourne is your perfect destination. This unique theatre experience is a triple threat, blending musical comedy, improv, and sketch shows into one captivating performance that will leave you wanting more.

From the moment you step into The Butterfly Club’s cozy confines, you’re transported to a world of mystery and mirth. The atmosphere is electric, and the anticipation is palpable as you settle in for an evening of entertainment.

This month’s original play, “Murder Me Again, My Darling,” delivers a punchy blend of gritty comedy-noir and slapstick humour. Led by the soft-boiled detective Jake Steele, the audience is thrust into a web of intrigue involving beautiful identical twins, crime bosses, corrupt politicians, and a gumshoe who still lives with his parents. It’s a hilarious homage to film noir, complete with unexpected twists and turns that keep you guessing until the end.

What truly sets Mystery Radio Theatre apart is its ensemble cast of talented actors who breathe life into each character. Their mastery of minimal rehearsal allows for a fresh, spontaneous performance that feels like improv. Quippy lines and charming ad-libs only add to the infectious energy of the show, creating moments that are as endearing as they are hilarious.

But it’s not just the performances that shine—The Butterfly Club is a star. Nestled in a classic Melbourne laneway, this quirky venue oozes charm and character. As you descend into the intimate performance space, you’re embraced by the crowd’s warmth and the madcap antics unfolding on stage. With no bad seat in the house, you’re treated to up-close views of every facial expression and comedic flourish, making you feel like a part of the show.

The attention to detail extends to the sound design, with cleverly timed sound effects that enhance the show’s overall ambience. From the crackle of a vintage radio to the footsteps of a gumshoe on the trail, every auditory cue adds to the immersive experience.

And the excitement doesn’t end with one show—each month brings a new live radio play with its unique storyline and cast of characters. From English country estates to Agatha Christie-inspired murder mysteries, there’s always something fresh and exciting. Live ad reads, musical guests, and interactive elements keep audiences engaged from start to finish, ensuring that no two performances are the same, and you’re always in for a delightful surprise.

With a stellar lineup of actors, a charming venue, and a rotating roster of original comedy murder mysteries, the Mystery Radio Theatre at The Butterfly Club is a must-see for theatre lovers and comedy enthusiasts alike. So, grab a cocktail, settle in, and prepare for an evening of laughter, suspense, and fun. Can you spot the killer? There’s only one way to find out.

Showing monthly from June to September this year, grab your seat now; the venue is small and will most likely sell out.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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