Sam King – Tricks & Stuff – A Close Up Magic Experience

Tricks & Stuff - A Close Up Magic Experience - Sam King

Sam King – Tricks & Stuff – Rating

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“I am Bubble.”

This single line by Sam King perfectly sums up ‘Tricks & Stuff,’ his funny yet strangely absurd close up magic show. Delivered in a small venue not much larger than a living room, Sam entertained with a comedic, nerdy and intentionally ‘homemade’ style show as part of the Melbourne Magic Festival.

Drawing his audience in with some goofy yet ingenious slight of hand tricks, he then proceeded to unravel his more and more imaginative and surprising feats of magic. Indeed, the lynch pin of the magician’s repertoire, the card trick, was taken to new and quite astonishing heights by Sam, who utilised plenty of tropes (writing on the card, showing things to the audience, tearing cards into pieces etc) yet still managed to do the impossible with them, under the noses of an audience at very close proximity.

Honestly, there were too many clever tricks to mention and Sam’s skill is undeniable, there were also some skits and lots of truly enjoyable comedy involving high levels of audience participation, (avoid the front row if you’re not a joiner), yet strangely it still fell short of being a truly amazing show and landed in the ‘that was fun’ zone.

Tricks & Stuff - A Close Up Magic Experience - Sam King

Whilst not without its charm, the show perhaps lacked a little polish and was not cohesive enough – something Sam himself jokily shared. Although this may well have been an intentional choice by the man himself, it didn’t quite feel like something one would expect from an awarded ‘up and comer’, which Sam King definitely is.

So, despite offering an enjoyable show with some genuinely mind-bending tricks, the audience was entertained but not, perhaps, totally wowed by his undeniably clever magical arts.

Checkout Sam the Magician here if you’d like to learn more. Or stay tuned for next years Melbourne Magic Festival July 7-19, 2025.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Sam King presents TA DA: The Ramblings of a Magician

Sam King presents TA DA: The Ramblings of a Magician

Sam King presents TA DA Rating

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Great magic does not have to be big and extravagant to entertain, and Sam King proves this in his award-winning show, “Sam King Presents TA DA: The Ramblings of a Magician”.

Perfectly located at Melbourne’s quirky and iconic Butterfly Club, the friendly staff immediately welcomes you, and Sam himself personally greets each guest in the intimate theatre space.

From start to finish, Sam brings warmth and connection to the audience, putting the entire room at ease. Sam brings a calm confidence to the stage, keeping the audience completely engaged throughout the entire show.

Although a magic show at its core, the sheer talent of Sam’s stand-up comedy routine bits cannot be overlooked. Simple and effective magic tricks and illusions are cleverly connected to his ingeniously crafted comedic narratives.

At times reminiscent of the comedy stylings of Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt (of ‘The Mighty Boosh’ fame), Sam has created a magic show that masterfully intertwines his passion for magic with his quick wit and brilliant talent in comedy.

With an intimate audience, it wasn’t long before Sam had the entire room entranced and taken on an unexpected and utterly entertaining narrative journey. We were introduced to unforgettable characters, including Gary, the bitter violin case, Thumper the rabbit who had met an unfortunate and untimely end, and a strangely hilarious unfinished wooden ventriloquist puppet.

There is nothing better in the world of entertainment than watching a creative artist do what they love on stage. From start to finish, it was clear that Sam not only loves what he does but is also extremely talented.

Sam’s passion for magic and comedy fed directly into the audience. Laughter abounded in those brilliantly placed comedic moments, and the audience was openly amazed by the magic and illusions that were thoughtfully paced throughout the show.

Although some people cringe at the thought of being involved in audience participation, Sam masterfully involved a large proportion of audience members, finding that lovely ‘sweet spot’ where people feel comfortable enough to want to actively engage and be a part of the show.

This was quite simply one of those feel-good shows that give the audience exactly what we all need more of these days: a really good belly laugh and an escape from the humdrum of daily life.

‘TA DA’ is on until the 6th of July at the Butterfly Club.

Sam’s next show, ‘Tricks & Stuff,’ his award-winning close-up magic experience, runs from July 9 to 13 at 483 Swanston Street.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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