Mr Bailey’s Minder

Mr Baileys Minder

Mr Bailey’s Minder Rating

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Debra Oswald’s dramedy, Mr Bailey’s Minder, is a funny, life-enhancing, and deeply moving play about the ugly side of artistic temperament, friendship, family, and the longing for a better life.

Through her characters, playwright Debra Oswald paints a poignant portrait of what we need for forgiveness. Bristling in the beginning with what some might call caustic humour, the play builds through complexities that fiendishly remind us that underneath our veneers, there are rich layers of human experience, revealing a luminous inner beauty found in folks who’ve been scarred for life by life.

Leo Bailey, reputedly one of Australia’s greatest living artists, battles the ravages of alcohol abuse and indulgent misbehaviour, leading to self-loathing and cynicism, culminating in him needing round-the-clock care. His daughter Margo, the only one of his many children prepared to help, does so by staying aloof. She has been through a string of minders for her father.

Therese, fresh out of jail, desperate for a home and job, down to her last option, accepts the challenge to be Leo’s live-in minder. Determined to succeed, even if it means going head-to-head with her cantankerous charge, she battles bravely, seeking some sort of redemption.

Karl, an obliging handyman tasked with the removal of a valuable mural, sees the good in Leo and is a little keen on Therese. He returns repeatedly, offering practical friendship.

The production contains strong language and adult themes. Ironically, it is staged inside a beautifully appointed church hall at 52 Merthyr Road, New Farm, by Nash Theatre. Director Phil Carney does a marvellous job with his cast, keeping the energy high without hurry, exploiting the comedy of awkward moments, and allowing the shift into pathos. The final moments mix excruciating irony with a glimpse of forgiveness.

John Stibbard, as Leo, enters down the stairs of his dilapidated house, oozing poison and malignancy. Despite all he says, does, and has done, we empathise. Stibbard brings warmth to the role, first through humour and then deep pathos when he sees for the first time in decades his favourite of the many pictures he’s painted.

Leo bathed his subjects in luminosity and himself in fame. However, he wasn’t so good as a husband and father. The role of Margo, his daughter, is tricky. But Linda Morgan blends the requisite primness with resentment. Therese, played by Susan O’Toole Cridland, is down to Earth, forthright, and courageous in sharing a strong bond with Leo: shame about their pasts. The play demands a burgeoning chemistry between Therese and Leo, and they achieve that as their characters let down their guards.

Gary Farmer-Trickett plays two roles: Gavin, a despicable minor character for a few moments, and Karl, whose burgeoning interest in Therese is well-understated.

The production should succeed by virtue of word of mouth alone. Here’s my two cents worth. See it for yourselves. You’ll find the experience valuable. Performances are on Friday and Saturday nights: 17, 18, 24, 25, 31 May, and 1 June. Matinee 18 May.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Unlocking the Secrets of Carmichael Manor: An Immersive Journey into the Past

The Secrets of Carmichael Manor

Maitland, in the heart of the Hunter Region, is set to host its next immersive theatre experience this November. Get ready for a ghostly journey into the unknown as “The Secrets of Carmichael Manor” unveils its mysterious tale within the historic walls of Grossman House. 🏰🌟

This haunting and secretive immersive theatre show will run for four nights, from November 25th to December 10th. With limited seats available, securing your tickets promptly is essential to ensure you don’t miss this charming experience. 🎟️🔒

A Journey Through Time and the Supernatural ⏳👻

They say there’s no such thing as time travel or ghosts, but who are “they,” anyway? In “The Secrets of Carmichael Manor,” a well-intentioned attempt to bring solace to the tormented souls inhabiting Carmichael Manor takes an unexpected turn. An eccentric priest and his companions find themselves transported back in time to the fateful day of October 31, 1919 – the day of Elspeth Carmichael’s impending wedding to her beloved Henry Strallen. Or is it? 🚪✨

A Web of Intrigue and Mystery 🧩🕵️‍♂️

As you step into the world of 1919 with Father Patrick, you’ll find yourself immersed in a web of murder, mystery, and secrets lurking within Carmichael Manor’s walls. Your task? To aid Father Patrick in deciphering the clues that hide the truth behind this mystifying manor. What happened to those who once dwelled here? Can you uncover the secrets before the sands of time run out, or will you remain trapped in the past forever? 🌄🔍⏳

An Adventure Awaits at Grossman House 🏡🌟

Prepare for a memorable journey into the unknown as you enter the past at Grossman House in Maitland. The historical setting provides the perfect backdrop for this experience, where the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, and secrets long buried come to light. 🌌🌠

Don’t miss your chance to unlock the mysteries of Carmichael Manor. Secure your tickets now for “The Secrets of Carmichael Manor” and be a part of this unique adventure. Remember, with only a few performances and limited seats available, you must act quickly to ensure your place in this mesmerizing journey through time and the paranormal.

Get ready to uncover The Secrets of Carmichael Manor – an adventure awaits! 🎭🌟🎫

The Dogs Logs – Review

A brightly lit warm stage… Endless greenery… A quaint park bench… Lively music and bubbles…

This is the home of The Dog Logs, the latest production of Hunters Hill Theatre currently playing at Club Ryde. It’s impossible not to know who lives here – if the dog bowl, ruined newspapers, and the can of trash weren’t clues enough – and I anxiously wait to see just how we’ll be introduced to man’s best friend; the animal I cannot get enough of.

Of course, despite the pitch I was given to attend opening night – The Dog Logs is not just for the Dog Lover. Yes, this is a play where the only characters have four legs, but writer CJ Johnson’s script has so much heart. Structured as a string of monologues detailing the various life stories of a host of different breeds – from an Excitable Jack Russell to a pampered Chihuahua to a policing Kelpie – we are initially reeled in by the absurdity of it all, but our attention is quickly grabbed by something much deeper, much more human: the ways in which our furry companions reflect back on us.

It’s a daunting task and one that I think Director Maggie Scott has tackled head-on. This isn’t her first time staging this production, and it’s clear she has a nuanced understanding of the line that needs to be walked between human and canine. It’s a subtle, sophisticated approach; a scratch here, a hip swing, a limp. Bright collars and simple costume additions – take for instance, the hilarious running outfit worn by a racing Greyhound that just Can’t. Catch. That. Rabbit. Each dog is introduced by a stereotypical, rather nostalgic pop song of the early 2000s that has the audience in fits of laughter.

A bold choice – but creativity is only best when it is brave. And none are so brave then the four actors who give us these thoughts of Dog. Anthony Slaven is loveable as the larger than life and energetic breeds. Keeping the liveliness of the night high, Slaven is always warmly welcomed back on stage after the more delicate and vulnerable moments of the evening. Many of which are craftly ignited by Ross Alexander, who weaves longer tales (no pun intended) that captivate, ignite and in the case of a particular aging Labrador – pinch you right in the childhood. Kirit Chaudhary gives a highly varied performance by embracing the extremes of each of his breeds. Wittingly charming as a lazy, sleepy mongrel and terrifying as a powerful and aggressive Rottweiler; each take was dangerous and exciting.

But one can’t help but think that in many ways Brooke Davidson had the biggest challenge of them all. The only woman in the play, there is only so much that can be given when her dogs are written as spoilt and pampered quote on quote ‘b*tches’ who don’t know what’s good for them. You could see Davidson’s envision of her dogs as more – complicated and decisive – and it was clear over the night her rebellion against what could have easily been a one stroke performance. All I can say is go show ‘em and well done.

Whether you are constantly questioning what your dog may be thinking or wanting a piece of theatre that doesn’t tell you what you should think, but instead invites you to join a conversation – The Dog Logs is for you. I give a huge congratulations to everyone involved in this production. A limited season ending on April 2nd – don’t miss your chance to see this moving take on love, loss, connection, and friendship all through the eyes of nature’s best friend.

The Dogs Logs – Hunters Hill Theatre

  • Friday 24 March 2023 – 7:30 PM
  • Saturday 25 March 2023 – 2:00PM AND 7:30 PM
  • Sunday 26 March 2023 – 2:00 PM
  • Friday 31 March 2023 – 7:30 PM
  • Saturday 01 April – 2:00PM AND 7:30 PM
  • Sunday 02 April – 2:00 PM

This review also appears in On The House

Photography Courteousy of Dan Ferris

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Come From Away – Civic Theatre

How do you humorously portray the horrific? Add a touch of human.

Irene Sankoff and David Hein’s hit musical Come From Away brought to you by Civic Theatre Newcastle, tells the story of a small town called Gander during the week after the 9/11 bombings. From this dark context, the play blossom into exploring what it is to be human in the face of tragedy. Through themes of love, loss, compassion, and exhaustion, the play examines what it means to be human when faced with the unimaginable.

The text of this play is a combination of script, lyrics and verbatim, resulting in an unforgettable piece of theatre. The stories told are amalgamations of real people and events, allowing us to see a snapshot of what happened in Gander in September 2001.

The cast consisted of 12 actors playing multiple characters, and every single one shone. The performers were able to showcase humanity both in the micro and the macro as we were invited into people’s homes and lives while reliving a very public tragedy.

Although each actor played multiple parts, Sarah Nairne’s portrayal of “Hannah” stood out. She portrayed the sorrow of loss and heartache that comes with losing a loved one. Simple costume changes made the transitions between the characters seamless, and the stage setting of about a dozen chairs and a couple of tables made quick scene changes effortless.

The ensemble worked together as a living organism on the stage, moving us from scene to scene with unison, clarity, and precision. They flawlessly transitioned us from scene to scene, supporting and holding space for the individual characters that emerged from the group.

The musicians provided a pulse for the immense and powerful heart of the ensemble, which guided the audience through the emotional journey of the performance. The few times they appeared on stage were a celebration of all things coming together.

Although the lighting fitted the action on the stage, my favourite part of the play was a beautiful moment where the grand lighting backdrop was stripped, and the actors took control of the lighting via torches. Their elongated shadow behind them created an eerie and foreboding effect on the drama as it played out.

Come From Away is being performed in Newcastle until the 5th of March. If the review itself did not convince you to go and see the award-winning performance, let me bluntly tell you to check it out! Upcoming show dates are:-

  • Wednesday 22 February 2023 – 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM
  • Thursday 23 February 2023 – 7:00 PM
  • Friday 24 February 2023- 7:30 PM
  • Saturday 25 February 2023 – 2:00 PM AND 7:30 PM
  • Sunday 26 February 2023 – 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday 01 March 2023 – 11:00 AM AND 7:00 PM
  • Thursday 02 March 20237:00 PM
  • Friday 03 March 20237:30 PM
  • Saturday 04 March 20232:00 PM AND 7:30 PM
  • Sunday 05 March 20232:00 PM and 6:00 PM