Mr Bailey’s Minder

Mr Baileys Minder

Mr Bailey’s Minder Rating

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Debra Oswald’s dramedy, Mr Bailey’s Minder, is a funny, life-enhancing, and deeply moving play about the ugly side of artistic temperament, friendship, family, and the longing for a better life.

Through her characters, playwright Debra Oswald paints a poignant portrait of what we need for forgiveness. Bristling in the beginning with what some might call caustic humour, the play builds through complexities that fiendishly remind us that underneath our veneers, there are rich layers of human experience, revealing a luminous inner beauty found in folks who’ve been scarred for life by life.

Leo Bailey, reputedly one of Australia’s greatest living artists, battles the ravages of alcohol abuse and indulgent misbehaviour, leading to self-loathing and cynicism, culminating in him needing round-the-clock care. His daughter Margo, the only one of his many children prepared to help, does so by staying aloof. She has been through a string of minders for her father.

Therese, fresh out of jail, desperate for a home and job, down to her last option, accepts the challenge to be Leo’s live-in minder. Determined to succeed, even if it means going head-to-head with her cantankerous charge, she battles bravely, seeking some sort of redemption.

Karl, an obliging handyman tasked with the removal of a valuable mural, sees the good in Leo and is a little keen on Therese. He returns repeatedly, offering practical friendship.

The production contains strong language and adult themes. Ironically, it is staged inside a beautifully appointed church hall at 52 Merthyr Road, New Farm, by Nash Theatre. Director Phil Carney does a marvellous job with his cast, keeping the energy high without hurry, exploiting the comedy of awkward moments, and allowing the shift into pathos. The final moments mix excruciating irony with a glimpse of forgiveness.

John Stibbard, as Leo, enters down the stairs of his dilapidated house, oozing poison and malignancy. Despite all he says, does, and has done, we empathise. Stibbard brings warmth to the role, first through humour and then deep pathos when he sees for the first time in decades his favourite of the many pictures he’s painted.

Leo bathed his subjects in luminosity and himself in fame. However, he wasn’t so good as a husband and father. The role of Margo, his daughter, is tricky. But Linda Morgan blends the requisite primness with resentment. Therese, played by Susan O’Toole Cridland, is down to Earth, forthright, and courageous in sharing a strong bond with Leo: shame about their pasts. The play demands a burgeoning chemistry between Therese and Leo, and they achieve that as their characters let down their guards.

Gary Farmer-Trickett plays two roles: Gavin, a despicable minor character for a few moments, and Karl, whose burgeoning interest in Therese is well-understated.

The production should succeed by virtue of word of mouth alone. Here’s my two cents worth. See it for yourselves. You’ll find the experience valuable. Performances are on Friday and Saturday nights: 17, 18, 24, 25, 31 May, and 1 June. Matinee 18 May.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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Every Tale has a Beginning

Pip Theatre’s latest production, produced by Moonspark Productions, of David Eldridge’s play, Beginning, is a poignant musing about two lonely people in our present day, seeking some sort of connection in inner-city London.

A real-time examination of two damaged people reaching out at the end of a party, with the woman taking the initiative. This two-hander movingly reminds us that, even in the age of social media and internet dating, creating a connection with another person remains as problematic as ever.

Laura is a 38-year-old managing director whose new north London home is where the housewarming party happened. Danny is a 42-year-old middle-management man who, having come along at the invitation of a friend, is the last man standing. They are similar in age, but in many ways, they are universes unto themselves. She is passionate, capable and, organised. He lives with his mum.

Taking place in real time over 100 minutes, the play shows them desperate for love and affection. It would be a big spoiler to reveal why they are so needy. Eldridge captures the way people’s desires rarely synchronise. Laura seems more assured, yet we sense a vacancy in her life.

Danny clearly likes her but is nervous, resisting her advances through evasion tactics, including cleaning up the detritus of the party. Eldridge shows that contrary to all the myths of our technological age and the allure of advertising, solitude is still pervasive.

The Australian premiere of the play is currently running in Brisbane at PIP Theatre, 20 Park Road, Milton. Crystal Arons and Jesse Blachut do an admirable job of bringing to life the angst of the two slightly sloshed Londoners.

The hunger animating Laura is evident, and Danny’s rugged wariness suggests a man who conceals a buried hurt. Director Heidi Gledhill has them hitting the right rhythm as both actors peel away protective layers, leaving you caring deeply about them, adding an eerie quality to present-day dating.

This is the production’s final week with only the following sessions of Beginning to choose from:-

  • Thu 27 July 7.30 pm
  • Fri 28 July 7.30 pm
  • Sat 29 July, Matinee 2 pm
  • Sun 29 July 7.30 pm
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