Saucy Jack and The Space Vixens

Saucy Jack and The Space Vixens

Saucy Jack and The Space Vixens Rating

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“Saucy Jack and The Space Vixens” production by Sun Street Studios was instantly engaging from the point of arrival. Mitch Maypole, played by Stuart Ussher, was casually chilling out the front of the Repertory Theatre greeting and directing people to the theatre’s entrance.

The production was held in the back section of the 160-year-old historical building. Ambient mellow lighting and casually dispersed armchairs immediately felt comfortable, relaxed and inviting.

The setting was cleverly laid out and utilised wonderfully by the performers to create an immersive atmosphere of actually being present in Saucy Jack’s Club. It included an effective wall projected neon sign reading “Saucy Jack’s”, a quaint stage for Saucy Jack’s Club performers and a ‘staged’ bar with seated and ready Dr Von Whackoff (David Smith). A dancing pole with a mini stage round was also engagingly fitted amongst the audience chairs.

“Saucy Jack And The Space Vixens” musical was completely unknown to me before this viewing and so I entered open hearted and open minded. The show was fruitful in witty word plays and comedic lines and fabulously delivered infectious laughter, which indeed had the audience, including myself, rolling in hysterics several times. The pinnacle moment was when Dr Von Whackoff revealed what he’d been hiding inconspicuously under his trench coat.


Chesty Prospects, played by Angie Hutchinson-Ussher, tragically falls victim to the killer at loose at the end of the first act. To the audience’s delight she remains ‘dead’ on the stage throughout the intermission allowing audience members great amusement to lay beside her and take selfies. Her commitment to her ‘death’ was highly commendable.

The Space Vixens sparkled and shimmered into the second act to investigate the ongoing murders occurring at Saucy Jack’s. Their metallic silver costumes along with their vibrant hair and makeup artistry brought all the fabulous, sexy, razzle dazzle their characters deserved.

Saucy Jack and The Space Vixens is a mature audience show in the adult sense only – not maturity. If you’re in need of a crazy, whacky intergalactic night full of laughs then grab your partner or a group of friends and I guarantee you’ll have a great time.

Top notch restaurants are also conveniently located nearby to make your night out complete.

For tickets, book @

The show is running until the 21st of September, and tickets are a steal at;
$35 adult
$30 concession
Group of 10- $30 each
Also, the drinks at the Repertory Theatre are really well-priced if you fancy one, two, or a few. Enjoy!

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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The Marvelous Wonderettes – Soundtracks and Schadenfreude

The Marvelous Wonderettes

The Marvelous Wonderettes Rating

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The Marvelous Wonderettes by the Maitland Musical Society captures all the kitsch and fabulous fluffiness of 50s frocks, with costuming, props, and dialogue dragged directly from the past.

The show draws the audience in as we watch the “award-winning” (hey, third place is still a win) prom singers devolve before our eyes. Their high school angst-filled youth is captured beautifully in each individual character—and individual they were—each being unique and well set apart from the others.

The actresses really did the girls’ characters justice, never breaking character despite the numerous bouts of audience participation in the show. Due to their commitment, you will undoubtedly be able to recognise characters from your own high school days, regardless of whether that’s a good thing or not…

The music features toe-tapping tunes with popular hits from ‘way back when’ and some lesser-known ones for those who want to experience some new songs from the era. The cast had a good blend of voices with each other and the music, though they were occasionally overpowered by the live band, who sat onstage with the cast and also got into the show, dancing along with their own tunes. Their presence really adds to the live prom feel.

There were a couple of minor tech issues, including mics turning off and lights being slightly off cue, but for their opening performance, some teething issues are to be expected, which will no doubt be streamlined as the season progresses.

There are some strobe lighting effects used multiple times throughout the show, so be prepared lest you be caught off guard. Kudos to the wardrobe team, who created colourful costumes perfect for the era and the characters; the wigs themselves were almost scene-stealers!

Finally, the venue and staff were just amazing, offering homemade snacks as sweet as the Marvelous Wonderettes would like you to think they are. Overall, it was a marvellous experience, and I applaud the Maitland Musical Society for putting on such an amazing, entertaining show.

The show runs for only one more week with sessions as follows:-

  • Sun 2nd June 2pm
  • Fri 7th June 7pm
  • Sat 8th June 7pm
  • Sun 9th June 2pm

Please don’t miss out, and when you get there, don’t forget to take a selfie at ‘The Prom’!

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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