Iphigenia in Splott: Theatre Review

Iphigenia in Splott

Iphigenia in Splott Rating

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The Old Fitz is a small and intimate theatre in the basement of the charming Old Fitzroy Hotel in Woolloomooloo, providing the perfect setting for this powerful, modern Greek tragedy. Gary Owen’s one-woman monologue was first performed in 2015 and has gone on to become a classic staple of international theatre that’s remained just as important and relevant today as it was ten years ago.

Effie is a tough, spirited and crass young woman from Cardiff, Wales, who is proud of her rebellious nature and life of clubbing, drinking, and sleeping around. When society looks on women like Effie, dressed in their tracksuit pants and sneakers, smoking and drinking and swearing, they can be quick to judge. And this initial judgement of others and its impact sits at the very heart of the play.

Meg Clarke brought Effie to life with a heart-felt and powerful performance. She’s a natural storyteller, never faltering or losing her accent. There was just one moment, near the end, where the emotions seemed to overpower her and she needed a discreet moment to get composed. More power to her, I say, for being that deeply invested in the character.

At first, I wondered where the monologue was going and why this play is considered a ‘must see.’ Why should I care about Effie’s humorous hijinks, drinking prowess, and day to day life. Obviously, this was all establishing her character and circumstances.

As the narrative developed, and the stakes were raised, it was captivating. Looking around the audience, everyone was sitting forward in their seats, absolutely engrossed in the performance, eager to find out what was going to happen next. There were real moments of shock, tension, humour, beauty, and tragedy that we can all relate to in some way or another, leading to a powerful and tragic climax that will have some people reconsidering how they view others in society. About the many hidden sacrifices that go unacknowledged. Unappreciated. About how we are all human. And I guess that’s what makes this story so captivating. It’s so REAL.

Lucy Clements’ direction was fantastic, making the most of the sparse set and limited space. The timing, the pacing, the humour and tragedy, were all perfectly crafted to keep the audience deeply enthralled. There were no distractions from the story. The entire production team, working invisibly behind the scenes to support Meg’s performance, should be commended.

Everything from the costume, sets, lighting and sound helped build the world that Effie travelled through; from the nightclubs to hospitals to suburban streets. After Effie delivered her final, powerful monologue I felt drained and empty. There was a moment of real reflection that was hard to snap out of. And then, as the lights came up to reveal Meg Clarke bowing to the audience, they couldn’t help but give her a standing ovation. And I think that speaks for itself.

Iphigenia in Splott is currently playing at the Old Fitz Theatre in Woolloomooloo, Sydney until March 22.

To book tickets to Iphigenia in Splott, please visit https://www.oldfitztheatre.com.au/iphigenia-in-splott.

Photographer: Phil Erbacher

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

Ghost Quartet: A Haunting Musical Kaleidoscope

Ghost Quartet

Ghost Quartet Rating

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When I first sat down in the Hayes Theatre, watching the performers playfully improvise to keep us entertained while a technical problem delayed the start, I really wasn’t sure what to expect.

The stage was covered with Persian rugs and dressed in various antique furniture, cameras, and lamps. I knew there would be music. I knew there would be a blackout sequence (I read the program warnings), and I knew there would be no interval. But even when it was all over, and the audience leapt out of their seats for a standing ovation, I still wasn’t quite sure what I’d just experienced.

The best way to describe Ghost Quartet might be as a haunting, quirky, and inventive musical dreamscape. Directed by Brandon Pape, Antipodes Theatre’s production of Dave Malloy’s Ghost Quartet is like a fusion of The Twilight Zone and One Thousand and One Nights.

I must admit, I found the plot a little hard to follow initially, but that didn’t diminish my enjoyment. It involved sisters, an astronomer, the stories we tell each other, and the ghost of Thelonious Monk. Ultimately, I decided to simply let go and immerse myself in the musical kaleidoscope. By the end of the production, the themes of ghosts, memory, and the passing down of stories across generations were conveyed in a surprising, effective, and powerful way.

The lighting design by Sidney Younger was beautiful and haunting, while the sound design by Evan Drill was outstanding. Antipodes’ actual ‘Ghost Quartet,’ led by musical director David Butler, constantly surprised me with their range, talent, and humour. They were all unique individuals and yet perfectly harmonious, interacting well with the audience in a way that kept the whole theatre engaged.

Hany Lee, Willow Sizer, David Butler, and Cameron Bajraktarevic-Hayward are all incredibly talented actor-musicians, each covering various musical styles and instruments while delivering strong individual and collective performances. There is one fifteen-minute sequence where you’ll find yourself wondering, long after the show, how they could keep changing styles and instruments so flawlessly.

Skipping an interval was a wise choice, as pausing the rollercoaster of this production would disrupt the show’s momentum and wake us all up from a musical trance. Like waking from a dream, returning to the same place is impossible once the spell is broken. It didn’t seem to be a problem. Despite the delayed start and extra pre-show drinks, I didn’t notice anyone leaving to miss any part of the show. This is a show I would wholeheartedly recommend experiencing—perhaps more than once.

Ghost Quartet by the Antipodes Theatre Co. is playing at the Hayes Theatre in Potts Point, Sydney, until the 1st of February 2025. To book tickets to Ghost Quartet, please visit https://hayestheatre.com.au/event/ghost-quartet/

Photographer: Angel Legas / 3 Fates Media

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

The Collector

The Collector

The Collector Rating

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The Collector is a harrowing tale about an emotionally stunted and lonely young man who abducts a young woman and keeps her locked in his basement. In this modified version of Mark Healy’s stage play, adapted from John Fowles’s 1963 novel of the same name, Frederick Clegg, an amateur entomologist, wins the lottery and uses his new wealth to buy an old country house a few hours from Sydney.

In the basement, he imprisons Miranda Grey, a young art student he stalks and then kidnaps after forming an obsession. Frederick plans to spend time with Miranda so she gets to know him and falls in love, but what follows is a haunting exploration of power, obsession, fear, loneliness, and dangerous delusion.

As I entered the tiny theatre in Redfern, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The stage stretches from wall to wall and takes up most of the room while the audience looks down on the set as if trapped in the basement along with the characters. This sense of immersion and intimacy worked to the play’s advantage. I was sitting in the front row, and several times, the performers almost stepped on my feet. Tigran Tovmasian, who plays Frederick, often stared me right in the eyes as he delivered his monologue just a meter away, which was both unsettling and intensely immersive. Frederick, not Tigran, was trying to make me understand.

Tigran was, without hyperbole, sensational. I was genuinely impressed by his embodiment of Frederick, from the tone of his voice to his body language. He almost had me feeling sympathetic. I couldn’t help but appreciate the tiny character details, such as nervously picking at his nails, picking at the table, slumped shoulders, and even his trembling lips during the intensely emotional moments. Underneath the awkward nervousness and polite frustration was a real sense of danger, and you fear what Frederick might be capable of.

This fear was convincingly embodied by AJ, playing Miranda Grey. Her performance carefully balanced Miranda’s complex emotional journey, moving between terror and isolation to anger and violence and the desperate attempts to manipulate Frederick into letting her go.


Ruby Busuttil’s direction wisely gave us several moments of laughter despite the heavy themes, with small jokes and absurd moments lifting the tension at the right moments without sacrificing the integrity of the drama or being disrespectful to the story. While bad directing is obvious, great directing isn’t usually noticeable because you get sucked into the narrative and everything just works. That’s what happened. It wasn’t super-flashy or overly dramatic or trying to show off. It just worked. Ruby also produced the play, bringing together a solid team that supported the performances.

Adrien Stark’s set design was impeccable, and his experience shows. The set itself represents three different spaces without needing a single set change, and it worked convincingly. Despite the theatre being tiny there was still plenty of room for the action to take place. Making use of the theatre’s own walls and pillars, Frederick’s basement was utterly convincing and didn’t look like a cheap theatre set. Everything from the furniture and set dressing to the props used by the characters were detailed and convincing. Supporting this fantastic set design and Alice Chao’s solid stage management was the impressive lighting and AV.

The lighting was beautifully crafted to represent the various spaces and time of day without being overbearing. It wasn’t stage lighting. It was film lighting, with the character’s faces often beautifully lit as if I was watching a movie. Isobel Rabbidge should be commended for their ability to create a truly immersive experience without drawing attention to the technical components of the play, including the correct balance of additional audio effects to support the changes in scenery. This can often be hard to achieve.

The accompanying music composed by Roger Ly generally worked well, although I felt it was a bit heavy-handed in the earlier monologues and distracted me from the performance. But part from this the music was a strong addition to the emotional content and tension of the performance.

The only real weakness of the entire production was the script. It does drag a little from time to time, repeating itself or not diving deep enough into the darker emotional journeys from the novel. But that has nothing to do with this production or its team.

All in all, The Collector is the best produced play I’ve seen this year, and I highly recommend you ‘catch it’ before it’s gone.

The Collector is showing at the Playhouse Theatre, inside The Actors Pulse in Redfern, Sydney, for a limited run until December 1st.

To book tickets to The Collector, please visit https://events.humanitix.com/the-collector

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

Murder On The Nile: An Agatha Christie Whodunnit

Murder On The Nile

Murder on the Nile Rating

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Agatha Christie’s mysteries are a staple of the page, stage, and screen, but once we know ‘whodunnit,’ why do we watch them again? The great attraction of a mystery is, after-all, the mystery.

Murder on the Nile is Agatha Christie’s stage adaptation of her own novel, Death on the Nile, and many people would have experienced the story in the past, likely through one of the thirteen billion BBC adaptations. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying it again.

When a beautiful and wealthy heiress and her new Husband join a luxurious paddle steamer on the River Nile, they run into past acquaintances seemingly by coincidence. Joined by an eccentric old crone, an emotionally volatile doctor, and a communist aristocrat, rising tensions on the claustrophobic steamer in the Egyptian heat eventually leads to murder. With no one able to leave, the murderer must still be on board. Can they find the killer before they kill again?

The current production at the Genesian Theatre attempts to be a fresh take on this old classic, keeping the story engaging even if you know the outcome. Staying true to the original setting and plot, solid direction by Theo Hatzistergos along with an energetic cast really balances the mystery, drama, danger, and humour in equal measure.

Embedding comedic relief within the most dramatic moments, rather than drawing attention to themselves, was the right choice. It kept the play from becoming too serious while maintaining suspense. I particularly enjoyed Miss Ffoliot-ffoukes’ self-centred reaction to the news of a murder in the room adjacent to hers; ‘but they could have murdered me!’ The role was played wonderfully by Sandra Bass.

The rest of the cast was also superb and everyone seemed well-suited to their character. David Stewart-Hunter as Canon Pennefather commanded the stage with a perfect mixture of scoundrel, advisor, and detective. There were a few moments where the cast seemed to forget a line, but their ability to improvise and roll along until they got back on track was respectable and never caused me to fall out of the story. I doubt most people in the audience even noticed.

The set was a simple but grand depiction of the steamboat’s public parlour, with the ever-present statue of Anubis, God of the Underworld, watching over the cast whilst foreshadowing murder. The audience had a good chuckle as a pot-plant was pulled along in the background to signify the paddle steamer was on its way down the Nile, which I asume was intentionally fun.

The feeling of ‘cabin fever’ intended by Mr Hatzistergos by limiting the set to the public parlour worked well, and also saved the story from losing momentum during a potentially lengthy scene change. The sound design added atmosphere, from the crowds of Cairo to the engine of a steamer on the water. Gunshots and light effects literally made the audience jump out of their seats in fright. Much to their delight. The costumes too, were suitable for the 1950s time period and social standing of the characters.

The audience around me were totally hooked. Those who didn’t know the story were constantly whispering to each other about who they thought was going to be murdered, and then who did the inevitable murdering. You can’t help but appreciate encouraging this kind of engagement. Those who already knew the story enjoyed the strong performances and cheeky humour, along with Agatha Christie’s wonderful dialogue, making this journey down the Nile just as much fun as the destination.

Even if you know whodunnit, you’ll still enjoy this classic tale of jealousy, conspiracy, and murder. Murder on the Nile is currently playing at the Genesian Theatre in Sydney until the 21st of September.

Season: 10th August – 21st Sept 2024
Preview night 9th August
Friday and Saturday nights at 7.30pm
Sunday matinée at 4.30pm

Running Time: 2hrs 15mins including 20min interval


This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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