Iphigenia in Splott: Theatre Review

Iphigenia in Splott Rating

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The Old Fitz is a small and intimate theatre in the basement of the charming Old Fitzroy Hotel in Woolloomooloo, providing the perfect setting for this powerful, modern Greek tragedy. Gary Owen’s one-woman monologue was first performed in 2015 and has gone on to become a classic staple of international theatre that’s remained just as important and relevant today as it was ten years ago.

Effie is a tough, spirited and crass young woman from Cardiff, Wales, who is proud of her rebellious nature and life of clubbing, drinking, and sleeping around. When society looks on women like Effie, dressed in their tracksuit pants and sneakers, smoking and drinking and swearing, they can be quick to judge. And this initial judgement of others and its impact sits at the very heart of the play.

Meg Clarke brought Effie to life with a heart-felt and powerful performance. She’s a natural storyteller, never faltering or losing her accent. There was just one moment, near the end, where the emotions seemed to overpower her and she needed a discreet moment to get composed. More power to her, I say, for being that deeply invested in the character.

At first, I wondered where the monologue was going and why this play is considered a ‘must see.’ Why should I care about Effie’s humorous hijinks, drinking prowess, and day to day life. Obviously, this was all establishing her character and circumstances.

As the narrative developed, and the stakes were raised, it was captivating. Looking around the audience, everyone was sitting forward in their seats, absolutely engrossed in the performance, eager to find out what was going to happen next. There were real moments of shock, tension, humour, beauty, and tragedy that we can all relate to in some way or another, leading to a powerful and tragic climax that will have some people reconsidering how they view others in society. About the many hidden sacrifices that go unacknowledged. Unappreciated. About how we are all human. And I guess that’s what makes this story so captivating. It’s so REAL.

Lucy Clements’ direction was fantastic, making the most of the sparse set and limited space. The timing, the pacing, the humour and tragedy, were all perfectly crafted to keep the audience deeply enthralled. There were no distractions from the story. The entire production team, working invisibly behind the scenes to support Meg’s performance, should be commended.

Everything from the costume, sets, lighting and sound helped build the world that Effie travelled through; from the nightclubs to hospitals to suburban streets. After Effie delivered her final, powerful monologue I felt drained and empty. There was a moment of real reflection that was hard to snap out of. And then, as the lights came up to reveal Meg Clarke bowing to the audience, they couldn’t help but give her a standing ovation. And I think that speaks for itself.

Iphigenia in Splott is currently playing at the Old Fitz Theatre in Woolloomooloo, Sydney until March 22.

To book tickets to Iphigenia in Splott, please visit https://www.oldfitztheatre.com.au/iphigenia-in-splott.

Photographer: Phil Erbacher

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