The Ghost Train: All Aboard The Supernatural Express

The Ghost Train Rating

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To celebrate the 70th anniversary of Castle Hill Pavilion Theatre, the theatre company performed an adaption of The Ghost Train, written by Arnold Riley. The classic thriller opened on the 20th of September to a full house ready for some suspense and humour.

The Ghost Train is set in an old train station, where a group of stranded passengers face a night of eerie happenings as they await the arrival of a supposedly haunted train. Directed by Stephen Snars, the production evokes a gothic atmosphere, keeping us on the edge of our seats. The mystery of the ghost train creeps in at just the right moments.

The ensemble cast excels in portraying a diverse group of travellers – each with its own quirks. Each actor excels at commanding the stage without overpowering the other. Their interactions feel authentic as they explore the possibility of a ghost story being real. A standout performance comes from Paul Sztelma playing Teddie Deakin, the seemingly carefree prankster who adds most of the necessary humour to the play. His blend of charisma and comic timing kept a sense of unpredictability, keeping the audience and characters wondering about his true nature.

The creaky old station, with its dim lighting, helps set the stage for this spooky tale. There were times when I forgot the design was a stage and not the night sky. The clever use of sound design—clattering trains in the distance, spooky sounds, and unsettling silences—further amplify the ghostly atmosphere. The costumes of the characters help set the time period of the play.


A primary theme of The Ghost Train is the fear of the unknown and how fear can make our minds play tricks on us. The play explores how superstition can create an atmosphere that can make the most sceptical of people believe they heard or saw something supernatural. As identities and intentions are revealed, the play touches on how appearances can be misleading.

The chilling moments and the humour kept the audience engaged, as you could hear the laughs and shocks from audience members. The play was well-paced, keeping us entertained the whole time through its use of suspense.

The play is much more than a ghost story and balances chilling moments with unexpected humour. The plot twist delivers a satisfying conclusion to The Ghost Train. We left the theatre, remembering that even old-fashioned ghost stories can still provide us a good scare. The Ghost Train was an excellent choice to help celebrate 70 years of Castle Hill Pavilion, offering thrills and plenty of laughs along the way. If you are up for a spook, watch The Ghost Train, playing from now until October 12.

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This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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