Popcorn Popped Off!


Popcorn Rating

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Popcorn is a satirical black comedy by Ben Elton that proudly makes social commentary while generating many laughs. Directed by Aaron Evans, this production elevated the cynical lens through which we view Hollywood, with inclusions that maximised the laugh factor.

Set in the 90s, we follow the Mall murderers Wayne and Scout as they commit a home invasion of a famous director whose movies mirror their crimes. Tensions escalate and the debate is had, who is responsible for inciting violence, is it the movies that aggrandise it in the first place? With a 90s video rental store inspired set, and soundtrack to match we are easily transported back in time.

Masterful direction meant that the sexual content and violence was handled in a mature and modest way that did not compromise the meaning of the play, or cause extra discomfort for the audience. However, this was in no way an easy ride with tough questions being asked and moments of shock surprising all.

Brittany Bell played the leading role of Scout, the ditzy fun-loving killer girlfriend of the crime couple. Her performance shone through, bringing moments of vulnerability and heartbreak when Wayne (Her Boyfriend) manipulated and controlled her. She also displayed fantastic range, showing us her viciousness when taking control of the situation, and also often providing comedic relief. Bell’s performance was the stand out of the production and she should be highly commended.

Jack Barret brought much energy to the stage in the role of Wayne, commanding the room with intensity. Jack’s take on the character was more aloof and angry than menacing but had great commitment to the role. Michael Civitano played Bruce Delamitri, a Quentin Tarantino like director. Michael brought large amounts of enthusiasm to the stage, often conveying the incredible frustration felt by being the ‘man in the spotlight’. Jason Nash and Robin Vary played well off the cast and had fantastic characterisation in their supporting roles.

Vicki Dwyer breezed through her role as Farrah, the drug-addled soon ex-wife of Bruce. She was excellent, and had great energy which was all channeled into upholding the drunken and selfish personality of her character. The cast generally had a very energetic performance, and great characterisation.

The use of lighting was fantastic, allowing us to flow in and out of news reports, tv segments and drug fueled raves in the mansion with creative use of spots, RGB and blackout. The costume design should be commended for really individualizing each character with a unique style while remaining period accurate.

Overall the performance was well polished and the enthusiasm from the cast was palpable. In the future it would be lovely to see a push for character depth over archetypes in the staging of more black comedies at Ipswich Little Theatre, and the continuity of focus on comedy as this was done well. The entire cast and crew should be commended on a successful show.

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.