Bleak Expectations: Presented by Limelight Theatre

Bleak Expectations Rating

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Adapted from a series of BBC radio plays, ‘Bleak Expectations’ puts a fun twist on Charles Dickens’s classic tale. It is well-staged and performed by the team at Limelight Theatre.

Narrated by a grown-up Pip Bin, we look back on his coming of age as a young man in a life full of twists, turns, and slapstick English humour.

Gordon Park guides our story as the older Pip, with a commanding stage presence that fills the stage. Jack Riches, who brings a refreshing, happy-go-lucky nature to the central role, portrays his younger counterpart with naivety.

Natalie Wiles and Mary Del Casale round out the trio of Bin children as Pip’s sisters, the strong-willed, ambitious Pippa and spritely Poppy. Del Casale particularly shines as the cheeky youngest sister and later brings humour to the pining Ripley.

Peter Giles and Shayla Brown complete the family as mum and dad, with Brown to be commended for embracing her character’s rather bizarre arc with full force.

Tomas Kinshela is a stand-out as best friend Harry Biscuit, who brings a certain candidness to the character that is a pleasure to watch. Some of his finer moments play out when he is not the focus of a scene, with excellent nuisances and mannerisms if you’re lucky to catch them.


Also a highlight is Jason Pearce, who is comedic gold in his smorgasbord of roles—the Act 2 courtroom scene is a particularly memorable moment.

And what is a show without its villain – Mr Benevolent – which Gareth Bishop brings great life to. Across the board, the cast is to be commended for the high energy on-stage from start to finish.

The set for this production is rather impressive. The design team—led by Roger Oakes—created a single multi-level piece that largely serves as the family home and is used well throughout, with simple added dressings to help establish different locations.

Bold and colourful costumes from Julie Clark also help to transport us back to the 1800s.

All in all, this comedy is exactly that—a laugh-a-minute show that serves as a great escape from reality for an evening. Director Barry Lefort has put together a solid production lifted by a cast that looks like they are having an absolute ball on stage.

For Bookings, phone TAZ Tix at 9255 3336 or book online @

Venue: Limelight Theatre
Civic Drive, Wanneroo

Performance Dates: September 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22*, 26, 27, 28

Times: Evenings at 7.30pm, *Matinees at 2pm

Tickets: $27 Adult, $22 Concession (seniors/students),
$20 Member, Groups 20+ $22 each
processing fees apply

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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