Karma Kafe: A Big Hearted Show

Karma Kafe

Karma Kafe Rating

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Karma Cafe is a new indie musical set in Newcastle, but it could be any town in Australia that faces the barrage of constant change and development. Written and directed by local playwright Carl Caulfield, with music by Gareth Hudson, this is a big-hearted production with a simple message about the power of community.

Cafe owner Rewa has created a sanctuary in the heart of Newcastle, where her family of staff serve the regulars, the not-so-regulars and the downright irregulars. It’s a place that welcomes Joe, the mute bongo drummer, gives glasses of water to tired passers-by and has a bearded barista and opera-singing Scottish chef.

But there’s trouble brewing in the form of a skeezy developer with big plans for Darby Street with his mantra of the New New Newy. With the help of The Fixer, he’s going to demolish the old buildings and build a new multiplex.

What these ‘visionaries’ fail to realise is that the Karma Kafe is not just a place to get coffee and smashed avo on toast; it’s a meeting place for people trying to find connection in a complicated world.

There’s the writer who’s working on his first novel and also trying to work up the courage to ask out the waitress, Millie. Then there’s a young man trying to cope with his anxiety, who never wants to leave the security of the cafe. There’s the aggressive dog owner who sticks her nose in where it’s not wanted (but perhaps where it’s needed). And the old dancer who can only get about now with the assistance of his walking frame.

Karma Kafe

 As the developers close in with their nefarious plans, the community must come together to save their haven.

This is very much a Newcastle show, and the Novocastrians in the audience were delighted with the local touches – the writer’s crime novel features a murder in Carrington, and there are frequent allusions to money being moved around in brown paper bags (an embarrassingly true part of Newcastle’s recent political past). But with a little adaptation, this could easily be translated to Wollongong, Toowoomba or any mid-sized city in Australia. Themes of corruption are, unfortunately, all too common. Fortunately, so is community, love and the power of a local gathering place.

A highlight of Karma Kafe is the terrific set, which establishes the location in a simple and universal way. Anyone in the world would recognise the homely, comfortable cafe. The musical numbers gave each performer the opportunity to shine. Having a live band on set is a fantastic treat in a venue of this size and the musicians and singers worked well together. There were quite a few laugh-out-loud moments and a strong sense that we, the audience, were on the side of Karma Kafe and its ragtag collection of staff and locals.

Overall, some of the story threads didn’t resolve, but with a cast of more than 15 characters, that’s perhaps to be expected. If you don’t interrogate the storyline too closely, this is a fun evening of karma, community and coffee that will surely be a crowd-pleaser.

For more information and to book tickets, please visit https://www.carlcaulfieldstraydogs.com/

Remaining Sessions:-
Tuesday 08 October 2024 @ 7:30 pm
Wednesday 09 October 2024 @ 7:30 pm
Thursday 10 October 2024 @ 7:30 pm
Friday 11 October 2024 @ 7:30 pm
Saturday 12 October 2024@ 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm

This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.

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