Don Russell Performing Arts Centre hosts Art in Motion Theatre company as they present 9 to 5: The Musical, based on the iconic 1980s film by 20th Century Fox, with music and lyrics written by the legendary Dolly Parton.
Walking into the theatre, it was both intimidating and exciting to see the band sitting right there, front and centre, staring at you as you walked in. It was intimidating because you walked around the corner practically into the band, and it was exciting because the musicians were normally hidden in the pit, and often, community-based musicals rely on recorded music. Who doesn’t love live musicians at a musical?!
My first thoughts on the show were that it was confronting. As a feminist in 2024, where gender parity is still very much a goal to strive for, it was confronting to see this portrayal of workplace culture in the 1970s (which really doesn’t feel like that long ago; if anyone mentions that it was half a century ago, we can no longer be friends) and to realise just how far we have come.
The show was light-hearted and funny and didn’t feel like a lesson in feminist agenda, yet seeing the way actor Aaron Lucas portrayed the villain, Franklin Hart, with the support of the whole male cast, made me uncomfortable, which may have been the intention. I heard someone in the packed audience say, ‘Can they say that now?’ which tells me that the director, Lys Tickner, did a great job of showcasing the themes of empowerment and feminism, without losing the fun-filled musical feel that kept audiences toes tapping.
For those unfamiliar with the show, 9 to 5 is set in an office in the 1970s. The office boss, Franklin Hart, is a sexist, pompous letch with zero ethics with his eye well and truly on Doralee Rhodes, played by Jen Gadeke, a married country girl who can’t seem to make any friends at work. Once the rumour of her affair with Hart is debunked, Doralee is befriended by the new girl and soon-to-be divorcee Judy Bernly, played by Stacey Gobey, and office supervisor Violet Newsted, played by Sarah McCabe, who has taken Judy under her wing, all of whom try to stay away from the office snitch Roz Keith, played by Mary Carter.

We know that when women circle, good things happen. So after a small mishap with poison, one thing leads to another. A kidnapping occurs, and from there, the friends take it upon themselves to hide their misdeeds while also setting the world to rights and creating the kind of workplace that people want to work in. Productivity goes up, escape happens, and the good guy (girls) wins in the end. All set to iconic Dolly Parton music.
The cast do a brilliant job portraying the characters and belting out a tune, I spent the show thinking ‘oh, she’s my favourite….oh no, she is…..ohhh I like her…’ between the female leads and when curtain call came I clapped and cheered for them equally but wanted to boo for Lucas (but did restrain myself), which I’m taking as a sign he did a great job portraying an awful character.
The sets were great. The set changes were really quite simple, and yet when Gadeke climbed the ladder to look for the missing file, I swear I saw a file move! I have to say that the scene with the photocopier might have been set in the 1970s, but it was a little too relatable for a 2020 office. While we may have come a long way with employment law, we haven’t come far at all when it comes to photocopier paper jams!
Hats off to the costume director. Noteworthy moments included the ensemble of Roz (how good are those glasses) and the ensemble of Frank in shorts. Some things can not be unseen; I think that vision will be with me for longer than I wish.
The music is wonderful, with some well-known (and some less well-known) Dolly Parton songs hosting over-the-top dance numbers and dream scenes. Even if you have never heard a Dolly Parton song, you will still be bopping along with the music. A great way to spend an evening.
9 to 5 is at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre November 8, 9 and 10. With just one weekend, and three shows remaining, book your tickets for 9 To 5: The Musical as soon as possible.
This review also appears on It’s On The House. Check out more reviews at Whats The Show to see what else is on in your town.